
Install BizyAir

BizyAir is a set of ComfyUI nodes that allows you to skip the time-consuming process of downloading models and setting up requirements, enabling you to run ComfyUI workflows directly without being constrained by environmental limitations.

You can choose any of the following methods to install BizyAir

Method 1: Install via ComfyUI Manager

Assuming your ComfyUI already has the ComfyUI Manager installed, search for BizyAir as shown in the image below. Click "Install" to complete the installation. ComfyUI_Manager_BizyAir_Search_Screenshot

Method 2: Install via git clone

You can install BizyAir by downloading the BizyAir repository to the custom_nodes subdirectory of ComfyUI by using git clone.

cd /path/to/ComfyUI/custom_nodes && \
git clone https://github.com/siliconflow/BizyAir.git

Then, restart ComfyUI.

Method 3: Install via Comfy CLI

  • Prerequisites
    • Ensure pip install comfy-cli is installed.
    • Installing ComfyUI comfy install

To install the BizyAir, use the following command:

comfy node install bizyair

Method 4: Download windows portable ComfyUI

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